Conversations with Bernar Venet – A Man Transcending Limits

02/11/2022 — I speak to the artist, Benar Venet, to find out more about his life, work and artistic process and how all of these have accumulated in his art foundation. I learn that there is less ‘self-reflection’ in his art, the works are realised and motivated by his need to channel his vision, exceed his limits and transcend his capabilities - a materialisation of his process of asking himself “why not?”. It is this and luck that he claims are the key to his success.

Inside Rosa de la Cruz’s Art Collection: A Curatorial Story

27/10/2022 — Exploring the beautiful and eclectic art collection of fine jewellery designer Rosa de la Cruz, displayed in her Knightsbridge home. The daughter of the founders of the de la Cruz Collection, Miami's leading private art museum, her selection eloquently emphasises individual pieces and works harmoniously. It is a collection that both reflects her personal experiences and cultural context showcasing her instinctive eye and intellectually informed process.
